Photo Shoot with Ly Za

Photo Shoot with Ly Za

I recently did a photo shoot with a Khmer girl named Ly Za at the Foreign Correspondents Club (FCC) in Phnom Penh. The FCC is an iconic building and indeed an institution in Cambodia. The hsitory of the place is somewhat murky though and while many people think it was established during Khmer Rouge times, it was actually opened in the early 90’s when the United Nations were in town.

To read more about the FCC click here.

Photo Shoot with Ly Za
Photo Shoot with Ly Za

Picking the FCC as a location

This is an old building that is situated on the notorious riverfront of Phnom Penh. The building is iconic, but now being closed adds a level of dereliction that makes it perfect for a shoot with a beautiful model!

You will see in the main folder that we too an array of shots which I think truly brings out the best of the location and the model.

Photo Shoot with Ly Za – Photo of the month

We will be using this part of the website to showcase what I will be calling my “photo of the month”. This weeks one is what I have set as the featured image for this post.

The one below though is another that I feel works really well for both the model and the location.

Photo Shoot with Ly Za
Photo Shoot with Ly Za

Book me for your next shoot

This is a very brief article about my latest shoot, but if you like my work then please check out my services and get in touch if you would like me to photograph you, or if you’d me to work on a project with you.

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